Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite - we'll take care of it!
Bed Bugs Pest Control Service
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Bed Bugs Pest Control Service
Rest easy with our bed bug control, we'll take the bite out of your night!
Bed bugs are insects from the genus Cimex that feed on human blood, usually at night. inspection by professional technicians of hiding spots for bed bugs and injecting the area with advanced chemicals.
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We do the inspection and spraying of chemicals at the spotted areas of bedbugs (i.e. mattresses, curtains, bed corners, cushions, furniture, wall cracks, sofa, etc.). The house should be kept closed after service for 2–3 hours. First treatments have no effect on eggs of bug so second treatment after 20-25 days is necessary to do to stop the recycle of this bug
We used eco-friendly, odorless chemicals for bed bug control. This treatment is safe, quick, long-lasting, 100% effective, and has no side effects.